aUI, The Language of Space


1979, Chand Co. & Cosmic Communication Co., Decorah, Ia., 4th Edition (307 pp.)



Imagine a language that transcends the barriers of culture and confusion.

“aUI: The Language of Space” introduces you to aUI, a revolutionary new language designed for crystal-clear communication and profound understanding.

  • Unlock new levels of thought: aUI’s unique symbols and grammar break free from the ambiguities of natural language, allowing you to express complex ideas with unparalleled precision.
  • Experience the power of universal understanding: aUI is designed to be understood by anyone, regardless of their background or native language.
  • Expand your mind: Explore the profound philosophical concepts that underpin aUI and gain a deeper understanding of reality.

“aUI: The Language of Space” is your gateway to a new way of thinking and communicating.