We and the Spaceman: an allegory

  • Underface

    Underneath my outside face There’s a face that none can see

  • Wind on the Hill

    No one can tell me nobody knows

  • Rain

    The Rain is raining all around It falls on field and tree

  • Poem

    “I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree.”

  • Light in Space

    Light in Space Bright splendid ways! Light shines thru Space. Meets other light. “Brother Light, Ray of hope Fire of love,

  • The Song of a Different Jim

    The Song of Different Jim When all other boys played, Jim did not play: Jim was different.

  • Mystic Ascent

    Mystic Ascent Diamond of the Soul, blinking, revolving through the night-sky,

  • Home in Heaven

    Home in Heaven 1. In all space, alone me: I am outside of equal understanding.

  • Builder’s Dream

    The Image Descended A young builder dreamed of building a building that could heal its inhabitants, molding its dwellers

  • Johnny’s Message

    Dear Space-Friend! Like you I am a boy at school. And after school I like to play and fish.