Builder’s Dream

Writings and Translations by W. John Weilgart from aUI, The Language of Space, 4th ed., 1979
(Note: the poetic English is not always a literal translation of the aUI original.)

aUI Text

  • Roman Transcription
  • English Translation

vugavu yiviOs


kUit Ykte-pAv
fAtom vugavu
rim yiviO-pAv
tA-vugav yI trov-ga
ve-ma-vAm sEm ga-u:
rUm, rUnUm, riOm.
ga sev sEm ga-u
ro, UrO, Ib brO.
uga Ub fEm mUz
bav Yktok ag bEn
yUg Yc waLge-tAv.
ura Ub fEm jU-ma
tnEv-yEc eb sEm cEvs
wav okEv rUt oU
bâv nu Yd YrU.
yI YdYrd bU-tAvAm
eb Eo Ib ki
Yt bEm robE
OU wav Okev at kna.
Yt E at U
tUk vekte-pAm.


vugavu UO-vAm
tUvmavAm bEtkU
tve-pAv nEn âkiA
tvU-vAm oA
dUt tebev yiviOs.
tU-vAm vum uwe
vu Utev YpnAm
YpAzm jrUm Ytbe:
bEm Ib âbzam
pI nUrvAm bzUx.
U-jwUsku YrUIv:
“fEm Es Yc wav Ec,
yUt fnu yA iO-pAv.”
bunte tYc-jwUskuv.
ugavu ag YndrE
bYbim Ib Ywom
vu gyEv ânagyE.
tYkwEzev pIn wE
bEtjE-pAv diwE.
cu vuga-pAv uga
atke-vAm Ib ânaim
kLuga idEm
tok-jOm tYkE-kYb
vrU-vAm can o-cEvs
OU kev Yt o-bE.
yUg fAm bUt vrAmØ
tYr-tiO-pAv at kUO
YrtYfbrO Yr-krO-Iv.
Ud iEm bôb
cu tYc-vev Yt Yk:
sE tYgwev kiE.
ugavu iEv ag cum ugavs
Y-trO-vAm nYrO-A:
can pAc Yb tsUs.


knuwa Ub OU
yImU … cvAvU
U-na kYb A
ade kad U-a
U-dam Ib kUm.
nutga Ub tsYvØ:
,fu Yc twOv agtev,
YrYtE-pAv twamØ!
fum o pAc Yb tsU!’
yUg knau tagev:
“terv tag Ib rUgterv!
fnu trA-pAv rUt bu.“
vugavu âtev
kab rim da êg bEtkU.
cu tagev iOz
at ubOm uavØ;
Uj cu UO-pAv snE,
fEn vYg-ânav pI da.
‚tYfAm can, fu tve-pAv xnE,
fam pApAc can A!
fum tUv Yc pAc wYvUm.’
pI vavUu tYgrOv:
“Yr. bu vE-pAv fEn.
fE Ec bum ruwe,
bum bavum wUvU.
fnu OU’c fAm Yb Yrvs.
fnum cnAmU ejEv
ag râm kU-iOvU.
fnu Yc wOv vUv
fnu Ybav rUOm twU.
fnu Yc wav wUv:
fnu wYvUv bum ruwe Ub brO.
xA bu yiviO-pAv,
fam sE te-pAv tag cEvØ.
fE Ec knuwa Ub
xa kUit Ib tUvØ
cvEYv UrOg.
rUg-te-pAm! YtOr!
bu vuga-pAv nEn knuga
rUt fnu, bum U-jYtu.
bu vE-pAv bum uga
rUt fuga ‚b O U’!

Builder’s Dream*


The Image Descended
A young builder dreamed
of building a building
that could heal its inhabitants,
molding its dwellers
good, beautiful, wise.
that would lend its dwellers
health, happiness, love.
A house of this kind
could root in the ground
but would not confine here.
A building like this
could grow with its creatures
could breathe for the brethren
unite them secure.
A shelter communing
with nature and stars
from solid soil
the soul could soar to the sky.
From matter to spirit
lifted aloft.


Destruction’s Demon
The builder divining
designing constructing
tried years
and ages
to reach his dream.
Striving and toiling
at last dawned upon him
a final solution
solid and simple
the valid design.
The critics grinned:
“There can be no such thing,
for we never saw one.”

Convention condemns.
The builder in poverty
graying and weakened
he dug the ditches,
he crushed the rocks,
he melted crystals.
He built his house
rising and radiant
dome translucent
tree weight-transcending
blessing all beings
soil soaring soul.
Now near completion
the green-eyed fiend
scowled at the glory
and grinned in envy;
with fiery fist
he wrecked from below,
it burst into flames.
Builder burnt in his building
despairing agony:
all was in vain.


The Realm of the Souls
Dimensions beyond,
voyage thru spaces
vast and sublime.
Gate of Acceptance:
‘I dare not enter,
I wasted potentials!
My life was in vain.’
But Angels open:
“Come in! You are welcome.
We waited for you.”
The builder trod
on the roads of radiance.
He opened his eyes
to familiar abodes;
as he had divined them,
they border this street!
‘Then all I tried for,
had been here all the time!
There was no need for my striving.’
The messenger smiled:
“No. – You have made these.
This is your work,
your creation and deed.
We souls are now sinless.
Eternity flows us
in pure contemplation.
We may not act
We lack trusting will.
We cannot create:
We needed your labor of love.
Whenever you dreamed,
here it came into being.
This is the realm of
fulfilled endeavor,
where dreams and strivings
are realized.
Welcome and Thanks!
You have built many mansions
for us, your brethren.
You built this house
as home for your soul!”


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